Whew. Both of our littlest ones are starting Kindergarten in a matter of days, and the reality is creeping up that we really don’t have little ones anymore. Yesterday Amy took the kids to the dentist and the hygienist asked when Emily would be starting Kindergarten. The conversation went something like this:
Hygienist: Emily doesn’t start Kindergarten THIS year, does she?
Amy: Yes, yes she does.
Hygienist: WHAT?!? (Look of horror on her face, eyes bugging out.) Oh. My. Gosh. That is going to be SO hard for you watching your youngest walk away. It’s going to be a HUGE milestone. Huge.
Amy: (No words. Just tears welling up.) Exits the room immediately.
It’s so easy to try and block out what this symbolizes — the next phase of life. There they go, independent little beings, off to create their own opinions and judgments and perspectives. When will they not need us anymore? When will they stop putting their little hands in ours when we cross the street? When will they not ask — beg — for another bedtime story or song? It’s all flying by so fast. When you have little infants, your parents and friends all say ‘Try to cherish this, soon they’ll be off to college.’ And suddenly, here we are. Another reason to truly, really, live in the moment. And least for a little bit, today.