From the monthly archives:

June 2012

Looking back in my life, there are those things that I wish I would have known. Like in 7th grade, I wish someone would have told me that not having those lavender Gloria Vanderbilt jeans wouldn’t be the end of my life, and that if Dove Lustig didn’t like my hair, so what?

I wish someone would have said, ‘Amy. Stop. These years will not define who you are. There is SO much more after this. These years will seem silly to you later on. You WILL figure out who you are. And you WILL gain some self confidence and it really doesn’t matter if you completely fail at volleyball (or any other sport for that matter). And instead of what DOESN’T matter, how about what DOES?

Well, here are 10 things I fully intend to make sure my kids hear, and I will say them over and over in different ways until I’m sure they’ve truly sunk in.

1. Being self-effacing/authentic is not a weakness; it endears people to you. It makes you sparkle.

How much pressure do we all put on ourselves to be a certain way? What a relief to let all that go…and just be ourselves, and swim in all of our imperfections. That person is so much warmer, and real, and magnetic.

2. It’s all about attitude.

No matter what, even in the worst of times, the one thing we can control is our attitude. How we react — and how we handle any situation. We have the power to change the course of the hour, the day, the year, our whole lives…just with our outlook.

3. It’s almost never about you.

This one’s huge. If someone lashes out at you, the first question you should ponder is ‘I wonder what happened to them to make them act this way?’ It’s almost never about us. Once we embrace this, it’s so much easier to let things roll off our backs and move forward.

4. Know your audience.

Whether you’re chit chatting with a friend or sitting in a business meeting, put yourself in the shoes of the people you’re with. This simple act breeds empathy, and it’s incredibly precious and powerful.

5. The energy you put out creates your reality.

We have the power to create whatever we can imagine. Sounds almost crazy..and simple. And it is. When Trisha and I published our first book, we set our sights on the highest goal possible — getting on Oprah, and sitting on that stage, for the full hour, with her, talking to moms nationwide. We never let that image go, and put 100% energy into making it happen. And it did.

Even on a day to day basis, we don’t realize that we might be putting out negative energy in small ways. Strive higher and bigger – and believe. And do not let go until you reach that goal.

6. No one else can tell you who you are.

Not your mom, not your sister, not your friend, not your spouse. Let go of any expectations others have of and for you.

7. We are very small in this world but also very powerful.

It’s important to remember that there’s a huge universe out there beyond us. And despite this, we can, singularly, make a dynamic impact in our short time here.

8. Everything in moderation.

This goes for sugar, alcohol, deep fried oreos and reality tv.

9. When your child walks into the room, light up like a Christmas tree.

Every. Single. Time.

10. Give back. In whatever small way you can.


I’m not quite sure what it says about me that finding the ultimate flip flops makes me seriously giddy — like, goose bump giddy. I was so sad when our puppy Bella chewed my new favorites up…and I just made my daughter Emily go back to Old Navy with me to find them again. I bought three pair — pink, dark blue and brown.

These are the most comfy flips ever – and the soles are 3/4″ high which is nice. They’re $10.94 right now at Old Navy. Run, seriously. They were hidden in the ‘active’ section, so don’t fret if you don’t spot them right away.

Seriously. Run.


Just Saw This…

June 21, 2012
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Teaching Kids to Manage Money During the Summer (I Need This Lesson).

June 20, 2012

Hiya, Amy here. Went on my favorite local tv station, New England Cable News (NECN) this a.m. to talk about helping kids manage their money during the summer. Already a handful of kids have raised cash via lemonade stands — and donated part or all of the hard cold cash! Way to go kiddies. Here’s […]

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This is What My Husband is Doing on Father’s Day…

June 17, 2012

Watching Firestarter, alone, in a dark room. Hmmm. If I knew it was THAT easy, I’d have ditched the Lululemon workout gear and breakfast in bed!

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I Didn’t Like My Dad. There, I Said It.

June 16, 2012

Father’s Day is always such a mixed bag of emotions for me. When I was a toddler, my Mom married her second husband Bruce, who legally adopted me. I didn’t know until I was 11 that he wasn’t my ‘real’ Dad. I didn’t feel connected to him. I never felt that special father/daughter ‘bond’ that […]

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No Second Grader Should Be Asking THIS Question…

June 13, 2012

A friend of my second grade daughter was over the other day. She’s a lovely, sweet girl, who I know quite well and really like. We were sitting around the kitchen counter, and as I was cleaning up I heard ‘Erica’ ask Emily, ‘how much do you weigh?’ I literally gasped a sharp breath in, […]

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