The Last Supper

by Trisha-and-Amy on January 2, 2012

Trisha here…

Yes, it was my idea. Thought we would have a new ‘awakening’ with the start of the New Year. I have been thinking about this cleanse for months now. Dreaming of how wonderful we will feel after detoxing the poison from our bodies. We will feel lean, light and have a new found creative energy ………but now….it starts tomorrow. I find myself dreading the end of the holidays. Gone goes the days of feeding every need. Gone goes the toffee, the donuts and here comes the dreaded detox from wine.
The last couple of days I have been obsessed with making sure I consume and enjoy ‘the last’ of everything. Today was the ‘last’ burger from my favorite local burger joint, along with the last french fry and last milk shake. I just finished my last chocolate cookie with peppermint frosting. Drank my last glass of wine (but now drinking ‘my last’ beer) Boy this could go on all night.

Tomorrow starts a new day with a kale, almond milk and protein shake. At least the word “shake’ is still in our vocabulary.
We hope you have found the strength to join our mission to ‘clean it up’.
We need all the support we can get!

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nina sadjadpour January 3, 2012 at 7:11 am

Good luck you guys! I couldn’t get organized in time to full-on join you, but I’ll be drinking my protein-almond milk-berry shake daily with you and piling on the green veg…trying the ‘eat to live’ approach this year, but in baby steps…my friends have loved the results with Junger’s Clean!

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